
On-Call Optimizer enables teams to operate effective, flexible on-call rotations that deliver growth in expertise throughout the team.

The foundation is hassle-free creation of a flexible on-call schedule that fits on-call shifts around the other commitments in each team members life.


On-Call Optimizer delivers hassle-free, flexible on-call schedules for your team.

Getting Started

Use these simple guides to quickly get underway with the most common tasks On-Call Optimizer solves.


Understand how the core scheduling functionality of On-Call Optimizer works.

Calendar Integration

Calendars provide crucial availability information for each member to On-Call Optimizer.

On-Call Product Integration

On-Call Products can act as both sources of schedule configuration and destinations of schedule assignments.


Messaging product integrations can be used to receive notifications and interact with On-Call Optimizer schedules..


Detailed reference information for technical users of On-Call Optimizer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about On-Call Optimizer.

What's New

On-Call Optimizer is continuously improving. Get the details on the latest changes and updates.

Security and Trust

Understand On-Call Optimizer’s layered security approach and access trust resources.

Last updated April 29, 2024