Google Calendar

How to link a Google Calendar to On-Call Optimizer

On-Call Optimizer supports the import of availability information from one or more Google calendars.

Connection Process

To link a Google Calendar to your On-Call Optimizer account follow the connection instructions and click the Connect Google button.

You can connect any number of Google calendars (e.g. work and personal) to a single On-Call Optimizer account so long as you have permission to log-in and complete the authorization process with each Google account.

Updating calendar selection

You can change or update which of the accessible calendars will be used as a source of availability information following the instructions for calendar configuration.


To remove a Google Calendar connection:

  1. Select Calendars from the side bar
  2. From the list of available connections click the Disconnect icon at the bottom of the connection you wish to remove.

Required Permissions and Data

On-Call Optimizer uses the minimum possible set of OAuth permissions and takes steps to minimize the amount of calendar data accessed and stored.

OAuth scopes requested

    • Used to retrieve the list of available calendars to allow you to select which calendars On-Call Optimizer should process.
    • Used to read event information from selected calendars to match to your availability preferences.

Data accessed

On-Call Optimizer filters events to minimize the amount of information processed and retained.

Last updated June 17, 2024