Getting Started

Use these simple guides to quickly get underway with the most common tasks On-Call Optimizer solves.


  • On-Call Optimizer is a SaaS application designed to work with any modern web browser. Off-line access is not supported.

  • For the best experience it is strongly recommended to integrate On-Call Optimizer with both an on-call product (e.g. PagerDuty) for each schedule and a calendar provider (e.g. Google) for each member


All users are required to login via OIDC using one of the following identity providers. Username and password based login is not supported.

  • Google
  • Microsoft

Additional OIDC providers can be supported upon request.

Common Use-Cases

To begin experiencing the benefits of On-Call Optimizer start with one of these commonly used guides:

Alternatively, jump straight in by creating a new schedule from scratch.

What’s next

Learn more about the key concepts and operation of an On-Call Optimizer maintained on-call schedule.

Last updated August 5, 2024