
How to link PagerDuty to On-Call Optimizer

On-Call Optimizer supports the import of configuration details and the export of shift assignments to one or more PagerDuty schedules.

Connection Process

To link a PagerDuty account to your On-Call Optimizer account:

  1. Select On-Call Products from the side menu.
  2. From the On-Call Products page, select Create New Connection at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the PagerDuty logo.
  4. Enter your API Key in the provided field and click Continue
  5. On-Call Optimizer will begin the connection process and present the list of available PagerDuty schedules when complete.

PagerDuty schedules as a destination

You can configure one or more PagerDuty schedules as the destination for a schedule in On-Call Optimizer. On-Call Optimizer will export the confirmed assignments for the schedule to PagerDuty in the form of overrides.

PagerDuty override entries

On-Call Optimizer uses the PagerDuty override functionality to represent the assigned shifts for each schedule. An override entry is created for each shift assigned by On-Call Optimizer resulting in continuous override coverage being provided in the PagerDuty UI to match the schedule assigned by On-Call Optimizer.

On-Call Optimizer tracks the latest (most distant) date for which it has successfully exported assigned shifts to PagerDuty as override entries and does not make any further modifications to overrides prior to this date unless they are directly changed in On-Call Optimizer (e.g. by replacing an earlier assignment or using On-Call Optimizer’s swap functionality).

This allows last-minute and short-term changes to overrides (e.g. to cover a commute window from home to the office) to be made directly in PagerDuty without conflicting with On-Call Optimizer, however if you make a planned change to the schedule in On-Call Optimizer, PagerDuty will be updated.

Pre-existing overrides in PagerDuty for dates beyond the date to which On-Call Optimizer has previously exported will be overwritten when On-Call Optimizer exports the assigned shifts for that time period for the first time.

During normal operation the latest date exported to PagerDuty will match the shifts that have been assigned up to the configured horizon of the On-Call Optimizer schedule. This date can always be viewed in the tooltip associated with the destination in the bottom of the Schedule Details sidebar of any On-Call Optimizer schedule.


To remove a PagerDuty connection it must not be in use by any schedule in On-Call Optimizer.

  1. Deleted any schedules in On-Call Optimizer which are linked via the PagerDuty connection you want to remove.
  2. Delete any other destinations using the PagerDuty connection you want to remove from any schedule where they are configured.

Once the connection is no longer in use by any On-Call Optimizer schedule:

  1. Select On-Call Products from the side menu.
  2. Click on the unused PagerDuty connnection in the list of connections.
  3. Click the “Destroy Connection” button.

Required Permissions and Data

On-Call Optimizer requires read-write PagerDuty API key to link to a PagerDuty schedule and export shifts to it as a destination.

If destination export functionality is not required, On-Call Optimizer will work with a read-only API key, but will only be able to list and import configuration data from the available PagerDuty schedules.

Data accessed

On-Call Optimizer exclusively uses the Schedule and User endpoints of the PagerDuty API, and does not require access to any other API object types.

On-Call Optimizer reads the name, members and shift configuration of any available PagerDuty schedules for the purposes of presenting a list of available schedules to the user in the On-Call Optimizer application.

For any PagerDuty schedule linked to an On-Call Optimizer schedule, On-Call Optimizer will in addition to the basic data described above, also read a list of assigned shifts and overrides on an ongoing basis for the purposes of maintaining and validating synchronization between On-Call Optimizer and PagerDuty.

For any PagerDuty schedule configured as a destination, On-Call Optimizer will create and delete override entries on the PagerDuty schedule for the purposes of bringing the PagerDuty schedule into alignment with the shift assignments in On-Call Optimizer.

While executing the above primary functions, On-Call Optimizer will also read the list of users available in the PagerDuty account for the purposes of mapping between the PagerDuty user ID and the user’s email address and full name which are required by On-Call Optimizer. On-Call Optimizer does not access or store any other attributes of PagerDuty users (e.g. phone numbers or contact methods).

Last updated June 17, 2024