Organization Support

Providing consistent visibility and management of schedules and users across your organization.

Organization support in On-Call Optimizer provides many benefits for larger teams including the ability for members to view schedules within the organization that they are not directly members of.

Organization Basics

An organization in On-Call Optimizer is inherited from the organizational information provided by the login identify provider. When the identity token resulting from a successful login provides organizational metadata your On-Call Optimizer account will be associated with the corresponding organization entity in On-Call Optimizer.

The supported organizational identity providers are:

  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Work accounts with an associated organization.

On-Call Optimizer’s organizational features cannot be used when authenticating from a consumer Gmail or Outlook personal account.

To check whether your On-Call Optimizer account is associated with an organization, click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the app. Organization accounts will show an organization icon and name between your name and email and the ‘My profile’ link. If you do not see this entry, your On-Call Optimizer account is not associated with an organization.

Organizational details can be viewed on the organization profile page which is accessible by clicking on the link in the user profile menu described in the previous paragraph.

Organization Resource Ownership

Most resources (including Schedules, On-Call Product and Messaging integrations) created by an On-Call Optimizer account belonging to an organization will be owned by the organization rather than the individual.

The only exception to this are Calendar integrations, which by their nature are always owned by the individual who created them.

Organization Roles

Each member of an organization in On-Call Optimizer belongs to a role which grants permissions to perform certain actions. The available roles are:

Organization Admin

  • Can participate in the schedules they have been added to according to their assigned schedule role.
  • Can change the organization role of any member of the organization.
  • Are automatically granted all of the organizational permissions available to members described below.

The first user to login to On-Call Optimizer from an organization will be assigned the organization admin role, subsequent users will be assigned as organization members.

Organization Member

Organization members can participate in the schedules they have been added to according to their assigned schedule role.

The organization member role can also be granted any or all of the following permissions on the organization:

  • View all schedules - Defaults to true. Allows members of your organization to view schedules in the organization that they are not members of.
  • Manage schedules - Defaults to false. Allows members of your organization to create schedules, and delete schedules on which they hold the schedule admin role.
  • Manage Integration Connections - Defaults to false. Allows members of your organization to create, update and delete integration connections such as On-Call and Messaging products.

Last updated August 3, 2024