
Describes how external integrations are configured and kept up to date with shifts.

On-Call Optimizer supports the export of schedule information (assigned shifts) to external integrations which are referred to as the destinations of a schedule.

Currently On-Call Optimizer can be configured with any of the supported On-Call Products as a destination for a schedule. Support for other destination types (e.g. calendars) will be added in due course.

Destination Data Model

On-Call Optimizer provides a list of shifts, each consisting of a single assignee to each destination. In order to export a schedule containing both primary and secondary assignees, two destinations will need to be configured, one sourced from the primary assignee, the other sourced from the secondary assignee.

For each destination On-Call Optimizer tracks the timestamp until which the schedule has been exported (e.g. the end time of the latest shift that was successfull sent to the destination).

Destination Export

When configured for automatic export, the destination will be updated with new shifts after each new assignment is confirmed to the schedule. When automatic export is disabled, the destination will only be updated when an export is explicitly triggered via the user interface.

To trigger a destination export, click the “Export Now” button in the bottom of the Schedule Details sidebar for a schedule.

Destination Status

A status is reported for each destination as one of the following states:

  • OK: All assigned shifts are successfully exported and represented in destination.
  • Pending: No shifts are yet assigned for the schedule to export, or an export attempt is currently in process.
  • Warning: Future shifts (beyond 3 days from now) are not yet successfully exported to the destination.
  • Error: The current or imminent shifts (within the next 3 days) have not been successfully exported to the destination.

Any destination reporting an Error or Warning status will cause the schedule to be reported in the corresponding state also.

Last updated April 30, 2024