
Schedule members can have differing roles, configuration and permissions governing their interaction with the schedule.

Each schedule in On-Call Optimizer has one or more members who can be assigned to shifts. Additional members not eligible for assignment in the schedule can also be added in order to grant them permissions to view or administer the schedule.

The “Members” tab within a Schedule shows the list of members for the schedule along with their current role and properties.

Auto-send invitation emails

By default, On-Call Optimizer will automatically email invitations to new members when they are added to the schedule. This can be disabled by toggling the setting at the top of the “Members” tab to off.

When auto-send of invitations is disabled, invitation emails will only be sent to members when explicitly triggered using the button below the member list.

Adding and Removing Members

For schedules linked to an external product, the list of members is synchronized from the configured source and cannot be changed in On-Call Optimizer.

For schedules not linked to an external product up to 20 members can be added. To add a member to a schedule, enter their email address in the text box at the bottom of the member list and click the “Add” button. If the email address entered does not yet have an On-Call Optimizer account, the user will be invited to created one (subject to the the auto-send invitations setting).

To remove a member from a schedule, click the trash-can icon to the right of the member’s name in the member list. When removing members you must ensure that the schedule still has at least one assignable member and at least one member with the Admin role. If these conditions cannot be met, the remove icon will not be visible.

Member List

The first and second columns of the members list show the invitation and calendar availability state for each member of the schedule. A description of each state can be shown by hovering over the icon(s) for any particular member.

The third column shows the member’s name or email address.

The fourth and fith columns allow configuration of the member’s assignment state and role in the schedule as described below.

The final column in the list contains actions (such as the remove icon) that may be available related to the member.



On-Call Optimizer supports adding members to a schedule without inviting them to share their calendars which can be useful when testing configuration and assignments of a new schedule type. To use this functionality, ensure the auto-send invitations setting is disabled and then clear the checkbox to the left of the member’s name in the member list.


The boolean assignable property is configurable on each member of a schedule, regardless of role, and determines whether the member will be included in the assignment of future shifts for the schedule. Members default to being assignable when added to the schedule, but this can be changed using the toggle next to the member’s name in the member list. A typical use case for marking a member unassignable is to allow a user to view or manage a schedule without participating in the schedule themselves.


Schedule Admin

Schedule admins have full access to the schedule and can perform all actions available to members. The user who creates the schedule becomes the first schedule admin and can add further members as required. It is recommended to configure at least 2 admins per schedule.

Organization owned schedules are only deletable by a schedule admin when the Manage Schedules permission has been granted to organization members. If this permission is not granted, the schedule will only be deleteable by organization admins.

Schedule Member

Member is the default role for newly added members of a schedule. Members are able to make changes to the configuration and assignments of the schedule, but cannot remove or delete the schedule.

Schedule Viewer

Members in the viewer role can participate fully in the schedule (including being assigned shifts), but are not able to make any changes to the schedule’s configuration or assignments.

Last updated October 16, 2024