Schedule Permissions

Use roles and properties to restrict or grant permissions to schedule members.

Each member of a schedule in On-Call Optimizer has configurable properties and an associated role which determines the level of permissions with which they can interact with the schedule.



The boolean assignable property is configurable on each member of a schedule, regardless of role, and determines whether the member will be included in the assignment of future shifts for the schedule. A typical use case for this property is to allow a user to manage a schedule without participating in the schedule themselves.


Schedule Admin

Schedule admins have full access to the schedule and can perform all actions available to members. The user who creates the schedule becomes the first schedule admin and can add further members as required. It is recommended to configure at least 2 admins per schedule.

Organization owned schedules are only deletable by a schedule admin when the Manage Schedules permission has been granted to organization members. If this permission is not granted, the schedule will only be deleteable by organization admins.

Schedule Member

Member is the default role for newly added members of a schedule. Members are able to make changes to the configuration and assignments of the schedule, but cannot remove or delete the schedule.

Schedule Viewer

Members in the viewer role can participate fully in the schedule (including being assigned shifts), but are not able to make any changes to the schedule’s configuration or assignments.

Last updated August 3, 2024